Saturday, March 8, 2014

March Check In

It has obviously become really busy in my household. I'm still losing but not in the way I had planned. I did complete the squat challenge. No my butt doesn't look tiny, cute and perky, like the model on the challenge picture. I couldn't walk most of the challenge, lol, so I had to modify some days and take a few extra rest days. 

Work is going good. I've finally reached my 90 days and feel a lot more comfortable doing the job and interacting with my co-workers. However, for the last 1-2 months I've been stressing about school and finding an internship site. See, I'm basically done with grad school now I just have to do my 900hours interning and collect my diploma. This isn't so easy to coordinate when I work from 9am-6pm. So in lieu of using my lunch break to do 30 min on the treadmill at Planet Fitness I've used my lunch break ro call around to agencies to find an internship site that will fit my needs. Turns out there is only one site in the county that does fit my scheduling needs and getting a meeting with them has proven to be near impossible. 

I've been so close to living a stress free life. This whole school/work balance has really been keeping me up at night. What do I do? Do I give up school so close to graduating? Do I burn a bridge? How do I back out of work without burning a bridge? This type of wishy washy thinking is not good for my cortisol levels, thus making it not good for my already larger-than-I'd-like-it-to-be belly. 

Once I have this stuck-in-limbo situation cleared up I can restart my laser focused weight loss lifestyle. I was doing so good. Luckily, I've still been losing. Except for when I'm on my period. I always seem to gain ~3lbs. but that is to be expected. Ah the joys of being a woman. From February to March I've probably lost 5 lbs. this is not as much as I'd like but any loss is a good loss. 

I may have to do some of my pre-op tests again. I've been at this process for a year now. I would have already had the surgery done if I hadn't started working. I guess this will be my next "stress project" ha. When will I actually have time to have my surgery and RECOVER? 

Find out next time on "As the Downsizing Diva's World Turns" hehe 

Have a blessed week. 


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