Friday, November 15, 2013

Tonsillectomy and Thanksgiving :-(

Guess who's getting their tonsils out?? This gal right here. My sleep study results lead me to an ear, nose, throat specialist. After going over the sleep study and my medical history she decided my massively sized tonsils have gots ta go.

My tonsils are 2-3 times larger than normal. She thinks this may have been the obstruction that was disturbing my sleep. The 40lbs. weight gain hasn't helped much either. These two combined obstruct my breathing, especially while I sleep. In a 6.5 hour sleep study I awakened 38 times. That's in a quiet, sterile, medical sleep lab just imagine how many times I wake up at home with my kids and mother scurrying around for various reasons. I only entered REM sleep once, 5 hours after I fell asleep and didn't stay in that phase for very long. No wonder I feel like a zombie!!!

Right now they scheduled me for the day before Thanksgiving. *record scratch* Say whaaaa? Nooooo. This is fat people torture!!!! My supervisor probably won't allow me to take the time off (Can a part time job deny time off for surgery? It doesn't seem right). What a perfect way to keep the weight gain down during the holiday season. -_- 

The Lord works in mysterious ways doesn't he? ...Why G*d?

Like I said before. The decision to have WLS is saving my life one pre-op step at a time. I am slowly righting every wrong I've done to my divalicious body. You never realize how many things according to health you neglect until it all starts going downhill. Better late than never.
I will definitely be blogging about my surgery and recovery during the holidays. In the meantime please plan on eating some stuffing, turkey and greens for me!

xoxo Karla

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