Thursday, December 12, 2013

Goals: December 2013

I realized that I hadn't made a list of goals for December 2013 and it's already the 11th. Quite honestly, if you remember, on the 6th of December I had some complications with my tonsils. My second surgery has set me back to a liquid/soft foods diet, kept me on pain killers another 1-2 weeks, and limited my exercise while on medications. The only good thing is that because my mouth is the effected area, I can't eat. It's like having my jaw wired shut. I am losing weight but simply because I'm nearly starving myself. With all of this being said I will still try to come up with some goals for the month. 

1) Allow my surgery site to heal. --No more hemorrhaging for me, no clots, no tares, and no pains. No yelling at the kids. No eating hard, crunchy, spicy foods or soft foods that will get caught in my throat. I need to rest and not agitate the area. 

2)  Stay hydrated--My doctor's orders to keep the area from drying out.. It hurts to swallow so I still have to sip my water slowly throughout the day. I am going to shoot for the recommended 64 oz. of water daily but I may not hit it each day. This will be a hard one.

3) Consume at least 800-900 calories daily while recovering. Yes, I know this number is really low! I realized my jello and Popsicles contain about 5 calories and 50-90 calories respectively. No wonder I was feeling light headed and sleepy. My nutritionist told me that the brain needs at least 500 daily to keep the body functioning. I need to get some more protein powder or a case of SlimFast. These should be helpful in getting more calories in my body.

4) Lose 7 lbs during December 2013

5) Follow up with ENT doctor before the end of the month. Hopefully he will be satisfied with my recovery and give me the green light to resume a normal life. 

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